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Call for Submissions: Howard Journal of Communications: SPECIAL ISSUE

The Barack Obama Presidency

Howard Journal of Communications: SPECIAL ISSUE

The Barack Obama Presidency

Barack Obama’s ascendancy to the Presidency of the United States in 2008 was historic and since then scholars have dissected his terms in office by investigating several intersections, including race and power, culture and communication, among others. In 2016, President Barack Obama’s presidency will come to an end. Yet, there are still several academic interests that surround his tenure and the days that would follow it. The Howard Journal of Communications plans a special issue to investigate “Obama’s America,” The time between his two presidential terms as well as his impact on America after his tenure ends.

All submitted manuscripts must adhere to the journal’s focus on culture, race, and gender intersecting with communication as it relates to Barack Obama. There are several studies that are possible and they include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Post racial America
  • Obama’s presidency and the urban police crises
  • Obama rhetoric
  • Obama and the Supreme Court
  • Obama and religion: From Jeremiah Wright to Rev. Clementia Pinckney
  • Obama and social media: A comparison between both presidential terms
  • Michelle Obama, race, and the African-American woman
  • Power, politics, and communication
  • Obama’s presidency and issues of image repair
  • America, communication and post-Obama
  • Media and the framing of Obama
  • Affordable Health Care
  • Issues of immigration
  • Talk shows, politics, race, and hate

Please submit a manuscript following the Howard Journal of Communications’ guidelines for manuscript submissions, which can be found at No submission should be longer than 7000 words. Include on the manuscript title and in parenthesis “Special Issue on President Obama.” The deadline for submitting manuscripts for this special issue is February 28, 2016.

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