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Dear ECA friends,

I hope this message finds you well and that your week is off to a great start! As we get closer ECA 2025 in Buffalo, I wanted to share a few important updates and reminders to help you prepare for an exciting conference experience.

ECA 2025 Draft Program
I’m thrilled to share that the first draft of the ECA 2025 program is now live! You can explore the program using this link. If you notice any errors or items requiring adjustment as you review, please let me know by completing the form at this link. Kindly submit any feedback or corrections by January 31. 

Conference Registration
It is fantastic to see so many attendees already registered for ECA 2025! If you haven’t registered yet, you can do so using this link. Early bird registration ends on February 28, so be sure to take advantage of the discounted rate.

Hotel Reservations
The Hyatt Regency Buffalo, our conference hotel, has provided a direct link for attendees to reserve their rooms. Booking through this link ensures you receive the exclusive discounted room rate available to ECA members. We encourage you to reserve your hotel room soon to secure your spot at the conference hotel! 

ECA Sponsorship and Advertising
There are still several advertising and sponsorship opportunities available, and we invite you to support ECA by getting involved. We offer options such as table displays, printed program and mobile app advertising, and sponsorship of various events and items. Sponsorship is a fantastic way to showcase your organization while contributing to the success of the conference. For a full list of opportunities, please visit this link.

ECA 2025 Basic Course Conference 
The biannual ECA Basic Course Conference is returning this year! If you’re a basic course instructor or director, this is an excellent opportunity to engage with a variety of topics relevant to introductory communication courses. Dr. Caroline Waldbuesser, Basic Course Director at the University of Missouri, is leading the coordination of this event, which will take place on Wednesday, March 26. Don’t miss out on this valuable professional development opportunity!

NHL Hockey Game at ECA 2025
If you’re a hockey fan—or just looking for a fun evening event—don’t miss the opportunity to watch the Buffalo Sabres take on the Pittsburgh Penguins on Thursday, March 27. ECA members receive a special group rate if you reserve and pay for your seats using this link

ECA Annual Awards
Each year, ECA recognizes individuals for their exceptional contributions in teaching, research, and service. This year, we are offering 12 award categories, and we encourage you to nominate a colleague or yourself for an award! Award winners will be celebrated at the ECA 2025 Awards and Keynote Luncheon. For detailed information on each award, please visit this link. Please note that some awards have a February 15 deadline, while others are due by March 1. Submit your nominations to:

I would like to extend my sincere thanks to all those who submitted papers, as well as the reviewers for their timely efforts in evaluating submissions. A special thank you also goes to the Interest Group and Affiliate Organization planners for their dedication in curating such outstanding sessions for ECA 2025. This year’s conference promises to be an engaging experience, filled with valuable opportunities for learning and networking. I look forward to seeing you there! 

My very best,

Jordan Atkinson, Ph.D.
Program Director and Professor of the Practice
University of Kansas Edwards Campus 
First Vice President
Eastern Communication Association 

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ECA Calendar

 March 2025 
March 26 - 30, 2025

ECA 116th Annual ECA Convention

Hyatt Regency

Buffalo, New York

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