Interest Groups
Members may choose to join up to three (3) Interest Groups as part of their membership. Interest Group membership benefits include:
- Leadership opportunities to serve as Interest Group officer
- Special mailings and emails from Interest Groups
- Opportunity to network with others whose research and teaching interests are similar
ECA formally recognizes its twenty Interest Groups to assist the organization in conducting its business and coordinating convention programs and panels.
For additional information regarding ECA's Interest Groups, please choose from the following list:
Applied Communication
Mission Statement
The Applied Communication Interest Group focuses on the application of theory and research to practical issues, problems, and situations.
Applied Communication research highlights the connection between theory and practice by demonstrating theoretical applications and the usefulness for potential users to understand and implement recommendations. Topics of interest to Applied Communication are contemporary social issues and the concerns of local communities that are addressed through projects grounded in communication theory.
The Applied Communication Interest Group is committed to help the general public solve socially relevant problems and to test the usefulness of communication theory in "real-world" settings.
IG Contacts
Chair 2024: Erin Craw, Chapman University
Secretary: Kati Sudnick , Duquesne University
Chair 2025: Brandy Hadden, Duquesne University
EC Rep (term begins Sunday 2022/ends Thursday 2024): Brandy Hadden, Duquesne University
Recent News
Argumentation and Forensics
Mission Statement
The purpose of the Argumentation and Forensics Division is to explore the various theories and practices associated with argumentation, debate, and forensics as they relate to scholarly research, classroom pedagogy, and community life.
- 2018 Business Meeting minutes
- 2018 Vice Chair Report
- 2017 Business Meeting minutes
- 2014 Business Meeting minutes
- Group By-Laws
IG Contacts
2024 Chair: Tim Michaels, Penn State University
2025 Chair: Robert Green, Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania
EC Rep: (term begins Sunday 2022/ends Thursday 2024: Robert Green, Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania
Recent News
Communication Administration
Mission Statement
The mission of the Communication Administration Interest Group is to promote discussion, study, criticism, research, and the application of principles of education administration for the communication disciplines.
- 2023 Business Meeting minutes
- No minutes were taken in 2022
- 2021 Business Meeting minutes
- 2019 Business Meeting minutes
- 2018 Business Meeting minutes
- 2017 Business Meeting minutes
- 2014 Business Meeting minutes
- Group By-Laws
IG Contacts
Chair 2025: Janie Harden Fritz, Duquesne University
Secretary: Basak Guven, Duquesne University
Chair 2026: Timothy Brown, Montgomery County Community College
EC Rep (term begins Sunday 2024/ends Thursday 2026): Janie Harden Fritz, Duquesne University
Recent News
Communication and Technology
Mission Statement
To encourage the exploration and dissemination of information/communication technologies that influence our perceptions of human communication endeavors.
IG Contacts
Chair 2023: Brian R. Patterson, West Virginia University
EC Rep (term begins Sunday 2022/ends Thursday 2024: Rod Carveth, Morgan State University
Recent News
Communication Law & Ethics
Mission Statement
- 2014 Business Meeting minutes
- Group By-Laws (pending)
IG Contacts
Chair 2025: Noura Hajjaj, Duquesne University
Secretary: Open
EC Rep (term begins Sunday 2024/ends Thursday 2026): nourahajjaj80@gmail.com
Recent News
Communication Traits
Mission Statement
From the earliest days of ECA, our members have been concerned with the study of such communication traits as speech anxiety and avoidance behaviors. Beginning in the late 1960's, ECA members began researching other traits related to anxiety. But until the 1990's, many researchers thought that communication anxiety was learned and that it could therefore be reduced, if not eliminated, through speech classes. In the 1990's, this view was challenged significantly. We now know that these kinds of communication problems are caused to some extent by both learning and genetics.
To advance our knowledge of the causes and effects of communication traits, further research in this area needs to be encouraged and the findings disseminated throughout our field. The Communication Traits Interest Group seeks to fulfill this function. It is our hope that, through the efforts of this interest group, communication scholars will be able to identify more communication traits and understand how to control or influence them (if possible) and to apply the knowledge gained to various areas of the study of human communication.
Trait research is a thread that runs through and can potentially inform every area of study within our field. Therefore, we encourage scholars from all areas of study to consider joining the Communication Traits interest group.
IG Contacts
Secretary: Alan Heisel, University of Missouri-St. Louis
2025 Planner: Lynda McCroskey, California State University, Long Beach
EC Rep (term begins Sunday 2024/ends Thursday 2026): Lynda McCroskey, California State University, Long Beach
2026 Planner: Alan Heisel, University of Missouri-St. Louis
Recent News
Community College
Mission Statement
The mission of the Community College Interest Group is to promote the scholarship of teaching among community college communication professionals. The division explores a broad range of undergraduate, career training, and lifelong learning issues within the discipline.
Programs and initiatives focus on the ways in which communication theory, research, and skills can best serve the educational need of diverse learning communities. The division actively promotes instructional innovation and provides opportunities for professional collaboration.
- 2019 Business Meeting minutes
- 2018 Business Meeting minutes (revised)
- 2017 Business Meeting minutes
- 2016 Business Meeting minutes
- Group By-Laws
IG Contacts
Chair 2025: Jenny Warren, Collin County Community College
Secretary: Susan Ward, Delaware County Community College
Chair 2026: Victoria Nabors, Malcom X College City College of Chicago
EC Rep (term begins Sunday 2024/ends Thursday 2025): Christi Saindon, Queensborough Community College
Community College – 2025 GIFTS PLANNER:
Recent News
ECA 2025 Convention G.I.F.T.S Interest Group Call for Papers
116th Eastern Communication Association Annual Convention
Health Communication
Mission Statement
The Health Communication Interest Group of ECA studies the processes, practices, and policies related to human and mediated communication in health care and health promotion. Research presented within this division evolves from a wide range of theories and methodological approaches that often address the ways individuals seek, interpret, and respond to health information. The interest group promotes scholarship that examines communication in health education and promotion, health care consumer-provider relationships, caregiving, healthcare organizations, health policy, health campaigns and interventions, communication and aging, lifespan development, risk communication, and e-health applications. The interest group welcomes submissions from scholars at all stages in their academic career, especially those interested in exploring and applying new theoretical perspectives to health communication.
IG Contacts
Chair 2025: Yadong Ji, Western Washington University
Vice-Chair (2024): Athar Memon Ohio University
Secretary: Open
EC Rep (term begins Sunday 2024/ends Thursday 2026): Jennifer Allen-Catellier Gannon University
Recent News
Instructional Communication
Mission Statement
The Instructional Communication Interest Group is concerned with research and its applications related to Instructional Communication and Communication Education. Instructional communication is the study of the role communication plays in the teaching and learning process in traditional classroom settings, corporate training settings, mediated settings, and other applied contexts. Research in this area typically has examined teacher/trainer and/or student/learner communication variables or modes of instruction to better understand their influence on teaching and learning. Unlike instructional communication, communication education is focused solely on the teaching of communication concepts. Research in this area, such as that related to the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, focuses on the ways in which communication concepts can be taught most effectively. Together these two areas of study complement each other and provide a rich contribution of scholarship to the Eastern Communication Association.
- 2024 Business Meeting minutes
- 2023 Business Meeting minutes
- 2014 Business Meeting minutes
- Group By-Laws
IG Contacts
2024 Chair: Cathlin Clark-Gordon, Seton Hill University
Secretary: Katherine Armstrong, Missouri Valley College
2026 Chair: Stephen Kromka, University of Tampa
EC Rep (term begins Sunday 2024/ends Thursday 2026): Dana Borzea, Grand Rapids Community College
Recent News
Registration for the Institute for Faculty Development (IFFD) is Now Open
Duquesne University in Pittsburgh, PA from July 15-July 19, 2024.
Intercultural Communication
Mission Statement
The Intercultural Communication Interest Group is dedicated to the study and practice of representing, performing, and negotiating cultural identities in face-to-face interaction and mediated communication in cross-cultural and international contexts.
- 2018 Business Meeting minutes
- 2017 Business Meeting minutes
- 2014 Business Meeting minutes
- Group By-Laws
IG Contacts
Chair: Angela Putman. Penn State Brandywine, Abp5335@psu.edu
EC Rep (term begins Sunday 2022/ends Thursday 2024): Rukhsana Ahmed, University at Albany, SUNY
2023 Planner: Angela Putman. Penn State Brandywine, Abp5335@psu.edu
Recent News
Interpersonal Communication
Mission Statement
The purpose of the Interpersonal interest Group is to focus on research topics including, but not limited to personal relationships as well as relationships in the workplace. Personal relationships encompass families, friendships, romantic relationships, the way messages are designed and interpreted, conflict, and contexts. Organizational relationships explore culture in the work environment, friendships, and small group communication. Theoretical and applied studies are welcomed.
- 2022 Business Meeting Minutes
- 2021 Business Meeting minutes
- 2014 Business Meeting minutes
- Group By-Laws
IG Contacts
Chair 2025: Meredith Harrigan, SUNY Geneseo
Secretary: Elizabeth Glowacki, Northeastern University
EC Rep (term begins Sunday 2024/ends Thursday 2026): Mary King, Bloomsburg University
2025 Planner: Open
Recent News
Registration for the Institute for Faculty Development (IFFD) is Now Open
Duquesne University in Pittsburgh, PA from July 15-July 19, 2024.
Minutes April 28, 2006
Minutes April 2005
Interpretation and Performance Studies
Mission Statement
The Interpretation and Performance Studies Interest Group of the Eastern Communication Association is committed to scholarship that encompasses a range of themes, methods, and presentational outcomes that include both publication and performance. Interdisciplinary diversity and collaboration between multiple participants is advocated. The Interpretation and Performance Studies Interest Group is broadly focused on visual culture, audience experience and reception, performance, and interpretive outcomes from a variety of perspectives.
- 2016 Business Meeting minutes
- Group By-Laws
- Follow us @ECAperformance and join us on Facebook!
IG Contacts
Chair 2025: Evan Schares, Villanova University
Secretary: Christi Saindon, Queensborough Community College
EC Rep (term begins Sunday 2024/ends Thursday 2026): Jennifer Shamrock, Monmouth University
2025 Planner: Evan Schares, Villanova University
Recent News
Kenneth Burke
Mission Statement
The Mission of the ECA Kenneth Burke Interest Group: Kenneth Burke is considered among the foremost "thinkers" (many would argue THE foremost literary and social critic) of the twentieth century. Known for both the breadth and depth of his understanding and explorations, Burke has been influential not only in the field of Communication but also in such studies as Literature, the Arts and Humanities, Sociology, Philosophy, and Theology. His insight into the nature of the human being and the role of language in human existence provides a complex yet compelling tapestry of ideas that scholars continue to unravel and re-weave. The purpose of the Kenneth Burke Interest Group is to promote the ongoing study, understanding, dissemination, research, critical analysis, and extension of Kenneth Burke's work.
- 2019 Business Meeting minutes
- 2018 Business Meeting minutes
- 2017 Business Meeting minutes
- 2015 Business Meeting minutes
- Group By-Laws
IG Contacts
2025 Planner: Cem Zeytinoglu, East Stroudsburg University of PA
Secretary: Annie Laurie Nichols, St. Vincent College
Chair 2025: Cem Zeytinoglu, East Stroudsburg University of PA
Co-Chair 2025: Ryan McCullough, West Liberty University
EC Rep (term begins Sunday 2024/ends Thursday 2026): Ryan McCullough, West Liberty University
Recent News
Media Communication
Mission Statement
The purpose of the Media Communication interest group is to focus on research topics including, but not limited to, the transmission and effects of both creating and being exposed to mass and mediated messages. This includes media of all kinds including film, television, radio, print, and digital media. Members of the Media Communication interest group are engaged in research and teaching on a wide range of topics relating to traditional and new media content, form, structures, effects, computer mediated communication, and processes using various methodologies (e.g., quantitative, qualitative, rhetorical, critical/interpretive). The way mediated messages are designed and interpreted is the main focus of the division and therefore scholarship of any methodology that draws on the strengths of any of the established traditions in order to develop discourse and scholarship in traditional, contemporary and emerging concentrations in both mass and mediated communication is welcome.
- 2014 Business Meeting minutes
- Group By-Laws (draft)
IG Contacts
Chair: Roseann Pluretti, Queens College
Secretary: Yiyi Yang, University of North Carolina Wilmington
EC Rep:(term begins Sunday 2023/ends Thursday 2025): Natalia Rabah, Temple University
Planner 2025: Tanya Powers, Marist University
Planner 2026: Yiyi Yang, University of North Carolina Wilmington
Recent News
Nonverbal Communication
Mission Statement
The Nonverbal Communication Interest Group seeks to provide an outlet for communication scholars interested in those aspects of communication that are not verbal in nature, and which manifest themselves in a wide variety of contexts. Studies involving nonverbal communication elements such as facial expression, eye contact, vocal cues, gestures, body movements, spatial behavior, touch, time, and other aspects are emphasized.
Be sure to visit our Facebook page often:
IG Contacts
Vice Chair/2024 Planner: Madison Neurohr, University at Buffalo
Secretary: Nikki Blau, Ohio University
EC Rep (term begins Sunday 2023/ends Thursday 2025): zmcarr@buffalo.edu, University at Buffalo
Recent News
Organizational Communication
Mission Statement
The purpose of the Organizational Communication Interest Group (OCIG) is to promote the study and teaching of organizational communication. Organizational communication focuses on research topics including, but not limited to, both personal relationships and relationships in the workplace, and explores communication, relationships, and cultures within the work environment, friendships, and small group communication. The OCIG welcomes both theoretical and applied scholarship.
- 2024 Business Meeting Minutes
- 2023 Business Meeting Minutes
- 2022 Business Meeting Minutes
- 2021 Business Meeting Minutes
- 2019 Business Meeting Minutes
- 2014 Business Meeting minutes
- Group By-Laws
IG Contacts
Chair 2025: Casey Stratton, Salisbury University
Secretary: Emily Reagan, Alice Lloyd College
Planner 2025: Casey Stratton, Salisbury University
EC Rep (term begins Sunday 2024/ends Thursday 2026): Casey Stratton, Salisbury University
Planner 2026: Robin Smith Mathis, Kennesaw State University
Recent News
2022 Business Meeting Minutes
2021 Business Meeting Minutes
2019 Business Meeting Minutes
2014 Business Meeting Minutes
Philosophy of Communication
Mission Statement
The Philosophy of Communication Interest Group supports scholarship that examines the philosophical presuppositions and implications of communicative praxis. This interest group provides an academic home for ethical, interpretive, qualitative, historical, and dialogic approaches to the study and application of communication.
- 2017 Business Meeting
- 2016 Business Meeting
- 2014 Business Meeting
- Group By-Laws
- Philosophy of Communication Member and Officer Roles and Duties
IG Contacts
Chair 2024: Ozum Sayrak, Duquesne University
EC Rep (term begins Sunday 2023/ends Thursday 2025): Kati Sudnick University of North Carolina Wilmington
Recent News
April 2014 Business Meeting Minutes
Business Meeting April 27, 2007
Business Meeting -Friday April 28, 2006
Approved Bylaws - April 28, 2006
Political Communication
Mission Statement
IG Contacts
Chair/Planner 2025: Robert Stise, University of Delaware
Secretary: Scott Dunn, Radford University
EC Rep (term begins Sunday 2024/ends Thursday 2026): Kimberly Hannah-Prater, Community College of Baltimore County
Recent News
Rhetoric and Public Address
2018 Rhetoric and Public Address Minutes Mission Statement
(DRAFT) The Rhetoric & Public Address Interest Group conceives its mission as the scholarly study of rhetorical artifacts, modes, theories, and practitioners from a host of cultures and traditions, and their profound implications for public life in local, national, and transnational contexts. We celebrate a rich tradition of studying classic speeches and speakers, while also encompassing an expanded view of the nature of rhetorical inquiry into visual, material, and performative media and the recovery of often historically marginalized voices and movements. Through a diversity of lenses, R&PA Interest Group members examine particularly the tensions between “text” and “context” as they touch upon perennially important debates around history, power, ideology, ethics, and social change.
- 2022 Business Meeting Minutes
- 2018 Business Meeting Minutes
- 2015 Business Meeting Minutes
- Group By-Laws
IG Contacts
Chair/Planner 2025: Tim Barney, University of Richmond
Secretary: Anne Czerwinski, University of Pittsburgh at Greensburg
EC Rep (term begins Sunday 2024/ends Thursday 2026): Benjamin Bates, Ohio University
2026 Planner: Gui Caliendo, Temple University
Recent News
Registration for the Institute for Faculty Development (IFFD) is Now Open
Duquesne University in Pittsburgh, PA from July 15-July 19, 2024.
2013 Business Meeting Minutes
ECA - RPA 2012 Business Meeting Minutes
Theory and Methodology
Mission Statement
- To promote ideas of discovery and creativity in all areas of communication research. Thus, Theory & Methodology is an umbrella to all other interest groups;
- To encourage the development of new methodologies to foster scholarship at all levels of research interest including the beginning researcher; and
- To insure that a wide range of research be discussed in all areas of communication.
- 2019 Business Meeting minutes
- 2017 Business Meeting minutes
- 2014 Business Meeting minutes
- Group By-Laws (draft)
IG Contacts
Chair/Planner 2025: Doran Tucker, George Mason University
Secretary: Michael Kearney Duquesne University
EC Rep (term begins Sunday 2024/ends Thursday 2026): Doran Tucker, George Mason University
Recent News
Voices of Diversity
Mission Statement
The purpose of the interest group is to explore the various theories and practices that pertain to the research, teaching, and study of communication within, between, and among diverse communities, especially as these communities are affected and/or marginalized culturally, economically, institutionally, politically, psychologically, and socially because of age, class, disabilities, ethnicity, gender, language, race, religion or sexual orientation. The Voices of Diversity Interest Group seeks to facilitate dissemination and discussion of such theories and practices within the field of communication studies."
IG Contacts
Chair/Planner 2025: Dan Strasser, Rowan University
Secretary: Carla Richards, Duquesne University
Planner 2025: Dan Strasser,
EC Rep (term begins Sunday 2024/ends Thursday 2026): Dan Strasser, Rowan University
Planner 2026: Carla Richards, Duquesne University