Minutes of April 25, 2004 Business Meeting
Minutes of Political Communication Interest Group Business Meeting
Friday, April 25, 2004
Hilton Back Bay, Boston, MA
I.Approval of minutes from 2003 meeting.
II.Report of Chair, Laura Tropp (Marymount Manhattan College).
- A total of 9 panels from the interest group were slated for the 2004 meeting.
- Two panels were sponsored with other interest groups (Public Address and Instructional Learning).
- Move in convention location caused a delay in notification of paper and panel decisions.
III.The incoming Chair, Mari Boor Tonn (University of Maryland) was installed.
- Brief discussion of positions and responsibilities.
- Secretary will host Wine & Spots. Vice Chair will record minutes for the annual meetings.
- Need to make changes for position of Vice-Chair and Secretary in bylaws.
- Andrew Paul Williams (Virginia Tech) was elected Secretary.
- Joseph Bulsys (SUNY Geneseo) was elected to be nominee for ECA�s University/College Representative to the NCA Legislative Assembly.
- Laura Tropp (Marymount Manhattan College) was selected as a representative to ECA�s Nominating Committee.
- Ann Atkinson (Keene State College) was selected as 2004 representative at NCA�s Nominating Committee.
- Val Endress (Rhode Island College) was selected 2005-2007 representative to ECA�s Legislative Council.
- Bonnie Jefferson (Boston College) agreed to sit in on the Executive Council during its meeting at NCA.
V.Chair Tonn discussed theme for 2005 Convention hosted at Omni William Penn in Pittsburgh. Floor opened for discussion of panel ideas members would like to see at convention. Possible interest group co-sponsors discussed. The discussion of web presence possibility was generally favorable. No identification of an individual to take lead on this possibility. Interested parties to contact Mari.
VI.Chair Tonn facilitated discussion about costs of audio-visual presentation equipment. While costs are extremely high, bringing own equipment into ECA may violate hotel�s contract with union. Issue will be discussed at Legislative Council.
VII.Chair Tonn welcomed e-mail and phone discussion of possible panel ideas for the 2005 Convention.
VIII.The meeting was adjourned by acclamation.