Complete Story


ECA 2017 - Opportunity for Undergraduate Students

We have an outstanding opportunity for undergraduate students at the 2017 ECA in Boston.

We know that one of the challenges for our undergraduate students is making sure that they can afford the convention.

The ECA Student Ambassador Program is designed to provide Undergraduate students with the opportunity to, without paying registration fees, attend and participate in the ECA convention . It is a wonderful chance to learn about academia while adding a service element to the Ambassador’s résumé or graduate school application.

This is a competitive selection process and a limited number of Ambassador slots are available to only the best applicants.

Applications due: March 1, 2017 (early application is encouraged)

The Student Ambassador Role and Benefits

Ambassadors will:

Student Ambassador Requirements

Application Process

Applications are due March 1, 2017 (early application is encouraged) to First VP, Benjamin Bates. The student should fill out the online application linked below and submit it. The next step will be to register for the convention - no application will be considered until the registration is complete. (if a student is selected as an ambassador, the convention registration fees will be waived and refunded) and then fill out the application HERE.

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