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ECA 2021 Convention - Call for Submissions Portal Open

The 2021 Conference Planning Team is delighted to announce that submissions are now being accepted for ECA 2021.  Our conference will be held at the Hyatt Regency Cambridge from March 24th-March 28th.  To submit your proposal, please visit Here you’ll find a link for submitting your proposal and instructional videos for becoming familiar with Attendee Interactive.  Additional details for virtual participation will be forthcoming.  In addition, ECA leadership will be circulating a survey to gauge your interests and preferences.  We look forward to exploring the conference theme, “Resilience,” with our ECA friends and colleagues.

Please reach out with any questions as you prepare your submission for the ECA 2021 Convention.

Amanda G. McKendree
First Vice President
Primary Convention Planner
University of Notre Dame

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