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ECA 2023 ... Communication Law & Ethics Interest Group ... Call for Submissions

ECA 2023 ... Communication Law & Ethics Interest Group Call for Submissions



2023 Eastern Communication Association,

114th Annual Convention, March 29-April 2, 2023

Hyatt Regency Inner Harbor, Baltimore, Maryland

Submission Deadline: October 16, 2022, 11:59 P.M., PST

Convention Theme: “Harboring Innovation”

The Communication Law & Ethics Interest Group invites submissions for the annual ECA Convention to be held March 29 to April 2, 2023. The 114th convention will be held at the Hyatt Regency Inner Harbor Hotel, located in Baltimore’s beautiful Inner Harbor. The deadline for electronic submissions is 11:59 p.m., PST, October 16, 2022.

The convention theme, “Harboring Innovation,” encourages us to examine the role of technological innovation, its disruptive impact of the legal status quo, its facilitation of misinformation and extremist rhetoric and the ethical implications of Big Tech’s business practices, the invasion of privacy, and of the algorithmic distribution of information. Relevant to these issues are broader questions of free speech and censorship of diverse voices in a polarized society. How might communicative innovation produce alternative means to address these issues and mitigate if not improve our societal communication environment.  We encourage submitters to consider individual papers, thematic panels, workshop sessions, and round table discussions that explore these issues and related questions.

All submissions should be uploaded to and processed through Attendee Interactive.  Find the link at  Submissions received outside of the Attendee Interactive link will not be considered for acceptance.

Competitive Papers

Abstracts or incomplete papers are not acceptable in this category. Submissions of completed papers should be no more than 25 pages, excluding title page, abstract, references, and appendices. Completed papers should be written in accordance with standards set by the Chicago Manual of Style, the American Psychological Association (APA), or the Modern Language Association (MLA). Submissions related to Communication Law & Ethics should be uploaded to Attendee Interactive and must include the following:

Program/Panel Proposals  

All program/panel submissions related to Communication Law & Ethics should be uploaded to Attendee Interactive and must include the following:

Workshop Session Proposals

Round Table Discussion Proposals

Submissions in this category should feature five to eight presenters who share brief position papers on a single, focused topic related to Communication Law & Ethics. Submissions should be uploaded to Attendee Interactive and must include the following:

Statement of Professional Responsibility:

When submitting papers, panel proposals, workshop session proposals, or round table discussion proposals, the following statement must be included.  Submissions without this statement will not be programmed.

“In submitting the attached paper or proposal, I/we recognize that this submission is considered a professional responsibility. I/we agree to present this paper or program/panel if it is accepted and programmed.  I/we further recognize that all who attend and present at ECA’s annual meeting must register and pay the required fees.”

Please contact the 2023 Communication Law & Ethics Interest Group Program Planner, via e-mail, for further information: Thomas R. Flynn, Slippery Rock University of Pennsylvania,

“Innovate”: To make changes in something established, especially by introducing new ideas, methods, or activities. To create transformation, revolution, metamorphosis.

The deadline for submissions is October 16, 2022. All submissions should be uploaded and processed through Attendee Interactive.

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