Register for Burke Camp (online July 31-Aug 3) now to reserve your preferred spot in a reading group and/or workshop:
Reading groups meet each morning to discuss a concept, a book, a time period, or a juxtaposition of Kenneth Burke's work. The leader of each session will curate readings meant to facilitate robust discussion on the chosen topic. The sessions themselves will be discussion-oriented, seminar-style engagements. Come with your curiosity hat on!
Reading groups meet EVERY 10:00am-1:00pm EST Monday July 31-Thursday August 3 via Zoom. Your assigned reading group will meet EVERY DAY.
We will also gather in small project workshop groups to advance our works in progress. These might be anything from ideas for seminar papers to books being revised -- any project at any stage is great, so long as there is some Burke in it (or you are thinking of putting some Burke in it)!
The goal is to get and give substantive feedback and move your project one step forward this week. To that end, each workshop will be facilitated by an expert editor who is both Burke-wise and charitable.
Project workshops meet 2:00pm-4:00pm EST Monday July 31-Thursday August 3 via Zoom. You will only meet with your project workshop ONE of these days.
Reserve your places today!