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ECA 2025 Convention Nonverbal Communication Interest Group Call for Papers

Call for Submissions

116th Eastern Communication Association Annual Convention

“Contemporary Problems, Creative Solutions”

Hyatt Regency, Buffalo, NY

March 26-March 30, 2025

Submission Deadline: October 16, 2024, 11:59pm PST

The Nonverbal Communication Interest Group is seeking submissions for the 116th annual ECA Convention. We invite submissions that align with ECA 2025’s vision, focusing on nonverbal communication (e.g., paralinguistic cues, facial expressions, body language, environmental communication, and the like). The 2025 convention theme is Contemporary Problems, Creative Solutions. We encourage all submissions to explore contemporary problems and creative solutions through the lens of nonverbal communication. Let these questions be your guide:

The Nonverbal Communication Interest Group invites two types of submission and the specific requirements for each type are as follows:

Submission Guidelines for Completed Papers

Papers should be written in accordance with the University of Chicago Manual of Style or APA 7th edition (whichever is appropriate). The following fields need to be completed for individual submissions:

Submission Guidelines for Panel/Program Proposals 

Please submit panel/program proposals in one MS Word file (.doc or .docx). Proposals should be written according to the University of Chicago Manual of Style or APA 7th edition (whichever is appropriate). Submissions should be made on Include the following items in all panel/program submissions:

For additional information about the upcoming convention, please visit ECA’s website All questions or concerns related to the Nonverbal Communication Interest Group can be directed to:

Madison Neurohr, Doctoral Candidate
Department of Communication
University at Buffalo, SUNY

Convention Acceptance Notifications: January 2025

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