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2025 ECA Convention: Rhetoric & Public Address Interest Group Business Meeting

Dear ECA Rhetoric & Public Address Interest Group Members:

I hope you are all doing very well! I’m excited to see many of you this week in Buffalo! The Rhetoric & Public Address Interest Group has some exciting offerings at the convention. I have put each of our panels and meetings below, to peruse for your convenience. I would love to get as many folks at our Thursday business meeting as possible: we need to elect a new planner and a new representative to the EC council for ECA 2026—and celebrate our top paper! Please reach out to me at for any questions. Thanks to all and safe travels!

Tim Barney

ECA Rhetoric & Public Address Interest Group, Planner 2025


8:30-9:45 AM: Rhetoric and Public Address Business Meeting, Grand E
10:00 AM to 11:15 AM: Top Papers in Rhetoric & Public Address, Grand E

Chair and Respondent: Timothy Barney, University of Richmond

“A Great Deceleration? Narrativizing the Degrowth Future” Eric C. Miller, Bloomsburg University

“Sad!; or, Bathos and the Rhetorical Failures of Donald Trump” Mark LaVoie, Harrisburg Area Community College “Walking Through Memory: The Role of Personal Narrative in Activating the Hector Pieterson Memorial” Cora G. Farra, Ohio University


8:30 AM to 9:45 AM: “It’s Showtime!”: Using Rhetorical Criticism and Communication Theory to Explore Messages in Different Adaptations of “Beetlejuice,” Grand E

Chair: Valerie Schrader, Penn State University - Schuylkill Campus
Respondent: Jessica Neu, Carlow University

“Discussing Death: ‘Beetlejuice,’ Invitational Rhetoric, and Engaging in Conversations about Death” Sarah Ailene Tran, Penn State University - Schuylkill

“Every Family Has Its Flaws: Facework, Family Values, and Teenage Angst in ‘Beetlejuice’” Erik Matthew Dubbs, Penn State University - Schuylkill

“’All You Gotta Do is Say His Name:’ Burkean Identification in ‘Beetlejuice: The Musical’” Jenalise Emily Muir, Penn State Schuylkill

“’I’m the Ghost with the Most, Babe:’ Relational Dialectics in ‘Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice’” Lily Kay Kreiser, Penn State Schuylkill

2:30 PM to 3:45 PM: New Pathways in Rhetoric & Public Address, Grand E

Chair: Valerie Schrader, Penn State University - Schuylkill
Respondent: Abbe S. Depretis, Carnegie Mellon University

“’You wanted to condemn the wild mob when it’s on the left side. What are you going to do when it’s on our side?’: An Examination of the Defense Discourse Surrounding the Disinformation Campaign in the 2020 Presidential Election” Anne M. Czerwinski, University of Pittsburgh at Greensburg

“Intersectional Identity: Barbie, Hyperreality, and the Contestation of (Re)Signification” Gui G. Caliendo, Carnegie Mellon University

“Tale as Old as Time: Boasting of Inevitable Decline (or, Trying One’s Best to Will it Be So)” Matt Brigham, James Madison University


8:30 AM to 9:45 AM: Works in Progress in Theatre, Film, and Television Rhetorics, Grand E

Chair and Respondent: Timothy Barney, University of Richmond

“’They’re Eating the Cats and Dogs!’: An Analysis of the Use of Horror Genre Aesthetics in Contemporary White Supremacist Rhetoric” Clifford T. Manlove, Penn State Greater Allegheny

“It’s Not Just for Kids: Teachable Moments and Burkean Identification for Adult Viewers of the Television Program Bluey” Janelle Gruber, Penn State Schuylkill

“Rewriting Women’s Stories in Musical Theatre: Empowerment, Revisionism, and Changing the Victimage Narrative in & Juliet, Redwood, and Six” Jessica Neu, Carlow University; Valerie Schrader, Penn State University - Schuylkill Campus

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