Would you like to get your name out to the entire ECA membership?
Are you looking to celebrate your institution’s successes or offerings?
Would you like to have a space in Buffalo to connect with convention attendees?
Director of Sponsorships
Dr. Katherine Thweatt, SUNY
Given the number of opportunities, please work with our Director of Sponsorships to select one or the combination of a few options that will best reach your audience. These options are limited and, thus, must be offered FIRST COME, FIRST SERVE.
Click here to complete your Sponsorship and Exhibitor form.
Note: You can pay online with a credit card or request an invoice for payment by check.
Display Booth/Table at the Convention Exhibit Hall Reservation deadline February 1, 2025
- One Table $375
- Two Tables $650
- Three Tables $875
- Exhibit Drop By - $115 Per Day in addition to cost of table - Send your books to the Convention Hotel and ECA will set up the exhibit.
- Display of individual titles with Order From - $115/Title
Graduate School Showcase at the Undergraduate Scholars Banquet
- USC Showcase Exhibit table, includes 1 free meal: $300
Mobile App
In-Hand Advertising
Attendees of the ECA Convention receive a Convention Program book as their guide to the convention sessions and events. This year we will offer two versions of that guide: a mobile phone app and a printed program. The below categories help you to have your name appear in front of our membership numerous times per day and even outside of the convention!
Given the number of opportunities, please work with our Director of Marketing to select one or the combination of a few options that will best reach your audience. These options are limited and, thus, must be offered FIRST COME, FIRST SERVE.
Mobile App
Banner Scroll (your institution, company information, or link to your book or publication will randomly scroll within the mobile app):
- One day: $75
- Two days: $150
- Three days: $275
- Every day: $400 (Thursday through Sunday)
- Panel Sponsorship (your information will appear under the title of the individual panel with a link to additional information on the app.): $300
**For each advertisement, please send an image in PNG or JPG format. The image size is 1200px by 400px
Printed Program
Attendees of the ECA Convention receive a Convention Program book as their guide to the convention sessions and events. Advertising in our Convention Program is an excellent way to increase the visibility of your products or organization at our convention!
- Back cover $900
- Inside Front Cover $800*
- Inside Back Cover $800*
- Full Page $500
- Half Page $350
- Dividers* (Each Day has a Divider with a front and back available) $675
** Please note that all printed program advertisements are black and white.
Please supply all advertisements in one of the following formats: PDF (300 dpi with fonts embedded) or JPG (300 dpi). All files should be black and white or grayscale format. PDF would be the preferred format.
Full page ad size should 7” wide x 10” tall
Half page ad size should be 7" wide x 5" tall
Please submit ad copy absolutely no later than February 1, 2025
Reception Recognition and Sponsorship
The events below draw significant audiences and give your organization or institution a chance for interaction with attendees that can develop into long-term relationships with ECA members.
- Newcomer’s Reception (Thursday): $2,500
- Welcome Reception (Thursday): $5,500
- President’s Reception (Saturday Night): $2500 (one co-sponsor opportunity still available)
- 4 Student Poster Session Award (two graduate and two undergraduate): $1,500 each
- ECA Coffee Cafés: $2200 each (available for co-sponsorship) Two breaks per day, Wednesday through Saturday, are available
- Wine & Spots: $3,500 (2 of 3 co-sponsorship opportunities still available)
- Tote Bag (includes YOUR logo!): $2800
- Badges and ribbons: $250
- Lanyards with Logo Display: $2500
Click here to complete your Sponsorship and Exhibitor form.
Note: You can pay online with a credit card or request an invoice for payment by check.
Director of Sponsorships Dr. Katherine Thweatt State University of New York |
Primary Convention Planner Jordan Atkinson, Ph.D. University of Kansas |
Inter-Session Exhibit Space Hours:
Set up Thursday Morning
Thursday 1-5pm
Friday 9am-5pm
Saturday 9am-3pm
Our sponsors are our backbone. These partnerships allow us to offer the best for our members and create foundational relationships that benefit everyone. THANK YOU TO OUR 2024 SPONSORS!
ASD | School of Communication and Journalism/Stony Brook University | |
Boston University College of Communication | Stark State College | |
Duquesne University | Stevenson University Online | |
Florida State University | Taylor and Francis | |
George Mason University | Texas State University | |
Kendall Hunt Publishing Company | Towson University | |
Media Education Foundation | University of Delaware | |
National Communication Association | University of North Carolina Wilmington | |
North Carolina State University | Villanova University | |
Peter Lang Publishing | W. W. Norton & Company | |
Widener University |